
Elementary 09-08-22

Zəhmət olmasa testə başlamazdan əvvəl adınızı qeyd edin.

1 / 31

_____ does your father do in his free time?

2 / 31

Jim’s a postman. He _____ letters to people.

3 / 31

A: _____ does it rain here?

B: Mostly in summer and winter.

A: _____ snow?

B: In winter.

4 / 31

Jane’s a doctor. She _____ ill people.

5 / 31

She ______ the class history.

6 / 31

A: _____ does Natalie’s nephew do?

B: He’s an architect.

7 / 31

She _____ from England.

8 / 31

They always ______ stones at the dog.

9 / 31

Nancy’s uncle is a pilot. He _____ all over the world.

10 / 31

A: _____ does Tony Blair live?

B: In Great Britain.

11 / 31

I lost my ______, so I cannot open the door.

12 / 31

Their son _____ in this hospital.

13 / 31

Large amount of ______ is grown in China.

14 / 31

My friend’s son _____ Turkish and English at university.

15 / 31

_____ does Andy’s little brother play with?

16 / 31

He _____ his car every weekend.

17 / 31

In winter Sheila _____ skiing and in summer _____ tennis.

18 / 31

My dad _____ at 7 o’clock everyday.

19 / 31

Thieves ______ things.

20 / 31

He ______ in the war.

21 / 31

I have a curly ______.

22 / 31

This is a ______ coat, not cotton.

23 / 31

Bern _____ in a flat in Birmingham.

24 / 31

Most of the people _____ work at 8 o’clock every morning.

25 / 31

Rosemary _____ three languages.

26 / 31

I can’t hear the music. Could you turn on the ______?

27 / 31

Isabel is a flight attendant. She _____ passengers.

28 / 31

We have no money to buy a ______ for the train to London.

29 / 31

She _____ a uniform.

30 / 31

A: _____ does Anthony go to work?

B: _____ bus.

31 / 31

Come ______ and sit down!

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