
Kids 06-05-22

Zəhmət olmasa testə başlamazdan əvvəl adınızı qeyd edin.

1 / 20

My … car is red.

2 / 20

We … in the garden now.


3 / 20

Tigers are … than elephants.


4 / 20

She can dance very … .

5 / 20

I have got four blue … .

6 / 20

Where are you from?

7 / 20

Ann … at home yesterday.

8 / 20

She often … in the swimming pool.

9 / 20

Today is the … day of spring.

10 / 20

This … my brother Mike.

11 / 20

Elephants have very big … .


12 / 20

My grandmother is sitting … .


13 / 20

Marry gave me … apple yesterday.

14 / 20

I … you a very interesting book tomorrow.


15 / 20

My father’s sister is my … .

16 / 20

… chocolate?


17 / 20

I … football with my friends yesterday.

18 / 20

My mother works at school. She is a … .

19 / 20

Marry … to school yesterday.

20 / 20

What colour is a crocodile?

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The average score is 81%