
Elementary 06-05-22

Zəhmət olmasa testə başlamazdan əvvəl adınızı qeyd edin.

1 / 27

I hate doing the ______ especially cleaning the windows.

2 / 27

Who’s that boy?

3 / 27

Hello, what ______ your name?

4 / 27

Are you happy?

5 / 27

You can count ______ me if you ever want any help.

6 / 27

Where’s the book?

7 / 27

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

8 / 27

Most banks will ______ people money to buy a house.

9 / 27

Mary’s ________ the garden.

10 / 27

You mustn’t be angry with her. It wasn’t her ______ that she was late.

11 / 27

Choose the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

12 / 27

______ have you been learning English?

13 / 27

Bill and I ________ here.

14 / 27

Tom often sings, but ________

15 / 27

John and Mary ________ the radio.

16 / 27

Is that horse big?

17 / 27

How many chairs are there in the room?

18 / 27

Are there six books on the table?

19 / 27

What’s her brother doing?

20 / 27

What ________ John doing?

21 / 27

Tony is looking at ________ .

22 / 27

Is that a book?

23 / 27

Do you dance or draw?

24 / 27

The lamp is ________ the television.

25 / 27

What’s his name?

26 / 27

She ______ to take her neighbour to court if he didn’t stop making so much noise.

27 / 27

Sarah, what ________ doing?

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