05-04-22İmtahan 03 Aprel 2022 185 0 Pre-Intermediate 05-04-22 0% 15 Pre-Intermediate 05-04-22 Zəhmət olmasa testə başlamazdan əvvəl adınızı qeyd edin. 1 / 35 _____ I had had a bath I went to bed. Before After Soon as Until 2 / 35 Put the words in the right order Married/?/did/when/get/they Check 3 / 35 When you are in a hurry, preparing to leave for work, a nice university student knocks at your door and asks you to participate in his social research for his graduation thesis. You check the time and notice that you are about to miss the train to be at work on time. You don’t want to offend him but reject his request by saying: Oh, please come in. I am always glad to be a part of such studies. Oh, I’ve already missed the train anyway. How can I help you? I can answer your questions if it’s only a few minutes. I’m afraid. I cannot help you. I’m late for work. Come some other time. 4 / 35 Last year a lot of women preferred long skirts. But, this year short skirts are in …………… again. popular fashion respect absence 5 / 35 He is not a skilled worker. He doesn’t …………… much. earn win pay gain 6 / 35 Everywhere they …………… for water they struck oil. sank dropped dug bent 7 / 35 We do not have adequate information to make a decision. Adequate means …………… . healthy enough easy wealty 8 / 35 The lawyer’s …………… was unusually high. price fee fare account 9 / 35 He is not a skilled worker. He doesn’t …………… much. pay win earn gain 10 / 35 Put the words in the right order Know/any/do/languages/?/you Check 11 / 35 Now, …………… the ball to the person on your right. Throw Burst Pull Jump 12 / 35 The lawyer’s …………… was unusually high. fare price account fee 13 / 35 Put the words in the right order. Is/birthday/?/when/his Check 14 / 35 Put the words in the right order. Mother/where/live/?/does/your Check 15 / 35 Put the words in the right order. She/speak/?/Japanese/Does. Check 16 / 35 We had to climb …………… a steep path to reach the house on the top of the hill. onto up down into 17 / 35 The famous pianist Abdurrahmanovich is …………… with the İstanbul Metropolitan Orchestra tonight. playing conducting dealing becoming harmonising 18 / 35 Nobody knows when fiction started. Perhaps, the first storyteller was a prehistoric mother trying to explain the world to her children. Or maybe it was a hunter telling about his adventures around the campfire. Who can tell? What we do know, though, is that story-telling was a purely oral activity around 800 BC. Myths and tales were passed down by word of mouth and had to be memorized by each new generation of storytellers. This oral tradition only examples of Homer, a blind professional storyteller, who lived in the eighth century BC. It is stressed in the passage that story-telling …………….. became less and less popular during the 8th century BC possibly began in prehistoric times began as a written activity was first introduced by Homer in ancient times 19 / 35 We had to climb …………… a steep path to reach the house on the top of the hill. into onto down up 20 / 35 My memories of you are so warm and …………… that I am sure I can never forget you. deep helpful unkind busy 21 / 35 Put the words in the right order. Cooking/?/cake/is/John/a. Check 22 / 35 Last year a lot of women preferred long skirts. But, this year short skirts are in …………… again. fashion respect absence popular 23 / 35 I didn’t recognize him because he _____ a haircut. have had had had has had 24 / 35 Everywhere they …………… for water they struck oil. bent sank dug dropped 25 / 35 Only a few of them felt like going to the movie that night, _____. who had made the organization days before when the movie industry is passing through bad times although their tickets were for the premiere night of a latest production at which a few members of the cast had been inexplicably ill 26 / 35 As soon as he _____ his driving test, he _____ a car. passed / had bought passed / bought had passed / bought passes / had bought 27 / 35 “You can move in immediately.” She told me I _____ immediately. will move in could move in would move in can move in 28 / 35 We do not have adequate information to make a decision. Adequate means …………… . enough easy wealty healthy 29 / 35 We keep the …………… copies of all our reports in a special master file. original elementary characteristic primitive 30 / 35 …………… so much of their time together has deepened their friendship. Proving Spending Arguing Wasting 31 / 35 We keep the …………… copies of all our reports in a special master file. characteristic elementary original primitive 32 / 35 Match the definitions. Gossip Have a conversation about other people, typically rumors Stop something/cut the conversation Something said to make someone laugh To express by a smile 33 / 35 I had read the book _____ I saw the film. until after before when 34 / 35 The baby is …………… . Her diaper needs changing. wet thirsty sleepy dry cold 35 / 35 Put the words in the right order. Often/?/ does/have/ how/lessons/she/English Check Your score is The average score is 59% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Share Article: